MLS Data: What every online lead is looking for. It's time to OWN the data on your clients.
The only digital real estate you own and a Portal to control how your clients get there.
A 24/7 "Onsite" agent people answer questions and self qualify before wasting your time.
Dynamic systems acting on all the data your systems are collecting and acting on your behalf.
"This system is so complete it is literally everything I need in my business."
"You guys are the systems people I have been looking for and could never find!"
Coaches who keep you paying and never quite give you the whole solution.
Coaches selling you on the idea that "their one-trick" is still relevant and you just need more of it
Coaches not telling you the truth about the landscape shift because they're unprepared to adjust to it
Coaches making you feel like if "you can just have the right mindset" everything will be ok
National Home Search websites who attract people in your database, that sell that lead back to you
Pay Per Click Leads
All those people running Social Media ads in your market
Online real estate companies that are coming into the market in droves.
Connects the MLS Data Feed to your website for a constant, maintenance free, fresh data source that everyone is looking for
Allows clients access to much of the same information you have so they aren't lost to other sites or subscription services
Creates an attractive end destination online for new leads
Records all of their online behavior - keeping you in the know of which leads are most active
Every search, saved property, home evaluation, and piece of data created will be collected, sorted, and filed inside your Dynamic CRM
A Dynamic dashboard that is always up to date with who is doing what inside your systems - and so much more!
Instant Seller Home Evaluation
Feature any type of Niche Search
Fresh data keeps your clients coming back
Communities tab to highlight specific areas
Mortgage Calculator
Buyer, Seller, Investor Pages
Pre-built with 1000s of customizations!
If your website is the only digital real estate that you own than an AI Appointment Setter is like having an Onsite Agent hanging out at your website 24/7/365 to help people!
The greatest function an AI Appointment Setter will ever do is to
Help the "lead" understand if meeting with you is the right next step for them, and if so get's them scheduled while they are thinking about it.
This goes a long way to ensuring that the most qualified leads find a way to your calendar as quickly as possible.
We discovered:
*that you can't have a conversation about solving Time management until there is a conversation about solving Follow-Up. -> So we created the 5 Core Follow Ups to ensure that 100% of your leads were in an automated nurture.
*that you would need a system to dynamically detect what level of interest each and every lead was at and follow up with them appropriately. -> So we built all our systems on the Go High Level platform, a Level 4 System, to ensure we had the greatest capacity for growth and customization! (curious about Go High level or what a Level 4 System is just ask our Onsite Agent!)
* that people running these systems were having a far greater impact with their time (Original Purpose of solving Time Management) and all seemed to be outpacing their competition
*the predatory nature of so many companies selling "shiny objects" and pieces of the puzzle they didn't need. -> We give you the entire system, no upsells, and layout everything you need to avoid these tech-pitfalls in your business ever again.
All about getting your system connected, and up and running as quickly as possible. We take you through the following classes step by step.
1) Initial Integration
2) Website Build Phase 1
3) Website Build Phase 2
4) Calendar Certifications
5) Secondary Integration
6) IDX Workflow Integration
7) Core System Certification
8) Contact Mapping & Upload
9) Website Phase 3 Final System Walk Through
This is where you start increase the depth of your knowledge, and power of your systems. Your systems and marketing efforts start to build, and your business begins to see the power of the leverage of your systems.
Outbound Marketing Certification
Client Management Certification
Pipeline Management Certification
Dashboard Business Management Certification
Advanced Automations Certification
Priority Management For Scaling Certification
Adding Your AI Appointment Setter
Funnel Certification
Social Media Planning Certification
This is where you are working on taking your momentum to the next level on everything you do. Much of the work at this level is adding new streams of income without having to increase costs simply by using features you now know how to use,
Niche Funnel (IE: Luxury, Short Term Investor, Geographic area, etc)
KPI 2 -> 3 Systems - increasing the efficiency of the journey of each client
Ecosphere - Building an Ecosphere around your clients - creating massive value for your network
Recruiting - Using Your Systems to recruit people to your brokerage, team, or business
Event Planning - Using in person or online events to create leads
Building a database through "List Partners"
Turning on additional database building sources
Review the information below on the RealtyCandy System. Check them out at to learn more.
Decide what level of commitment you are ready to make to building your systems.
One you make the commitment and hit submit you will be immediately taken on a guided tour for your initial access to the system, and next steps.
This is a separate subscription and will be required to complete your Traction 0-30 Days curriculum.
Their fees are $55-110/Month depending on which MLS you arein
There is a 1-time signup fee, depending on subscription level that's either & $79 or $149
Do - It - Yourself Commitment Fee of $397
Done - For You Commitment Fee of $1497
You will not be able to progress through the Traction Real Estate IDX Solution class without having paid your Commitment Fee.